My Toxic Relationship

Being in a toxic relationship is over bearing and overwhelming

This is My story……

You’ll never live life until you have learned valuable experiences. There are experiences that nurture you and some are just a life lesson that I believe God let it happen, so I can learn a valuable lesson about myself and the blessing I received during that time and that I keep receiving. I always give honor and glory to God because due to this I became strong and guarded. I met this person online through Facebook in November 2017. Likewise, I was like any person that was yearning to have a relationship at that time I only had one ex and the experience was great. In that time, we started talking and converse daily everything started to go well and let’s say I feel for this person not knowing that this will be the worst.

Then a couple of months into the long-distance relationship I get a call back from him being very aggressive without any reason. I asked as to why and all because he called on Christmas day and I couldn’t pick up the phone since I was celebrating with my family. In that point I was confused, but I brushed it off. My though was that the fight was petty and unnecessary when I’m with my family. All he could say was that I was “cheating” on him and that I slept with someone, but anyway I brushed it off. We kept on talking to each other. The next day he was fine, and he never talked about the incident or did he apologize.

We spoke for 2 months we spoke over the phone and send pictures to see what each other were doing. Since at the time I was working and paying my own bills. I thought everything was going great till one day he calls me at night at midnight while me and parents were asleep. I pick up the phone to find out if something bad had happened and to my surprise. He calls aggressive again this time he was drinking and now drunk. This time he accuses me of cheating on him with his ex. May I say that his ex and I live across the country from each other and never met. So, in my mind I was confused and getting yelled at from the person that I though cared for me. I was told so many things over the phone and what I did was tell him to go to bed and that we will talk the next day.

From the day I started to watch out for more red flags, but the relationship kept going till the day I went to meet him for the first time. I flew across the country just to meet this person to see how this person is. Since we met everything was fine till, I learned he had a Disability. This person is bipolar. I’m like ok it can be managed with the right medication. The only thing he was taking was creational pot. So, we got to stay in a hotel for the week I stayed there. When I got there everything was fine until I went to sleep in my own bed. Here is another surprise for you guys, guess what he did he woke me up from my sleep aggressively, and he started to shout at me all the profanities and then the scream matches started between us. That’s when my hell started, I’m like he must have something else, and then I see that he is also hallucinating, and he is schizophrenic.

I guess love was blind and just the thought of not having another attack. I went back home from my trip and a few months after that I made the decision to move in with him. Yeah, I know it was the worst decision I ever made. I was deeply in love and me though he will be fine if I just help him. But all well. I left my comfort and moved in with him and by the beginning of the next year we decided to move almost close to Canada. Everything was fine until he had one of his attacks, and it was frequently since he had no treatment. I was praying to God a way to leave, but I had to be strong. When he gets aggressive, we have that screaming matches and I was tired of it and that relationship was already toxic, and I was crying a lot.

So that night on January 2018 that I was sleeping, and I woke up, so I picked up my phone to see what time it was and suddenly, he gets one of his attacks once again and this time was when the last drop fell from the cup. What happened was we were having arguments the whole week, and I was already tired mentally, physically, and mostly emotionally. He started to argue with me, and I was tired, so I also started to argue and what broke the camel’s back was that he was going to hit me in the face but since I didn’t let him. What he did was hit me in the back of my head. We argued aggressively, and I pick up all my luggage’s with all my clothes and I took off on midnight.

I thank God I Got the courage to take off my promise ring and throw it at him and ended my relationship of 9 months. It was 9 months of evilness and joules, verbal abuse and I would never a loud physical abuse. I took my stuff got on a mini-van (taxi) and went to the nearest airport. I bought a flight and flew across the country to go back to my parents’ home. Likewise, I blocked this person on all social media platforms. I was depressed for 3 days. I cried to release the pain and hurt I went through, but I was happy I got out of a toxic relationship. Then I noticed that this person started to write about me all over social media to some of my friend and family members.

All I learned was if your relationship is turning Toxic and you see red flags and if your intuition tells you something is going wrong. Please know that kits probably are, and you had to stop everything there before it gets physical. I want you guys to know that your body is a temple and if someone you love violates your temple and your aura. Then that relationship is not worth dying for. I know love is blind but never doubt your instincts if red flag surface, then it’s not worth it as well.

Have you ever been in a toxic relationship? How did you get out of it? Did you take the same approach as I did? Please comment below

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